Elisabeth Visit - Plano, TX - Nov 2004

Elisabeth and Hannah making a German dish called Rouladen.
Elisabeth showing Hannah the small details in making this correctly
I think she got the hang of it.
Now roll it up
Elisabeth is a missionary to Africa. We met her while I was taking a school of writing a few years back. Once we completed the writing school, I taught Elisabeth basic web development. She has been creating webpages to bring awareness of ministry needs in Africa for many years now.
Elisabeth stayed with us for a month. We developed a new website structure to help her expand her efforts throughout the entire country of Africa. You can see this new website at http://www.ywamafrica.org . We spent many nights at this table working through all sorts of strategic issues.
I am very proud of what Elisabeth has done with the skills she has. God is really using her to get the word out about needs throughout Africa. Please continue to pray for her efforts.
The tools of a missionary leveraging the internet as an effective communication tool.